Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pictures from Aidan in the present

I have been much fun and been making much money and I have been going to the shooting range and stuff too! I'm a sharpshooter for life yo...

Hope everyone is good, sorry for the shortness of this post, I cant stay on very long.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Oh possums...

So I have made the amazing discovery that possums are awesome. First I saw them cuddling in the trash room munching on half eaten sammiches and rotten tomatos and thought "rough, but cute", as they are all fluffy like. Then I saw them everywhere, just chilling out and watching me and walking up close like "yo, wassup bro?" and I was like, "yeah they seem like an okay crew" so I decided to let one take a look around my appartment because it was right outside my door and I was curious as to what it would do, it wasn't keen on the place so it walked out and I fed it a cracker and filmed it and he just held it with his little paws and he was just om nom nomming away and then he started sniffing a towel I was holding as well. In the end, I decided to lead him out of the door and get on with my life, but as he was leaving, the little coward bit me and did a runner out of the open door. I named him Timothy and declared him my nemesis.

Today, I went to the mainland and bought a water pistol and went to get my revenge on Timothy in the place I knew I would find him... The trash room...

When I walked into the trash room, I was holding my six shooter water pistol and was filming the whole thing to document my epic triumph over nature. It was an intense mexican stand off and he was staring at me and I was eying him down but in the end, the high velocity jet of water proved too much and I had him dancing on the trash cans like a moving target range. He ended up going and hiding behind the trash cans all sissy like and I walked out, victorious, a man of TRUE POWER!!!!

oh yeah, work is good. and the Australian elections are going on between some old ginger cat-lady and a guy with massive ears. Silly ozzies.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

First day of work

Yesterday was my first day at work and i'm really looking forward to going back tonight for work. I've been put in a hosting position in the bistro. I basically just have to seat people and make them comfy while try enter the venue. And I get pretty much any meal from the menu for just 6 dollars :)

in a while, the manager has said that I will be learning the bar so I can start bartending!

My accommodation is pretty decent, but the fridge is really mouldy and will have to be replaced sometime. The only cooking instrument I have is a kettle. So I bought 75 packs of instant noodles. Booyah.

I've been coming up with some awesome designs so far. I figure that I'll have about 300 designs on me by the time I finish my trip.

Well I hope everyone is doing well, keep it real y'all.