Saturday, June 26, 2010

Photos from my phone

kettle design
my money holder (and best friend) named Jeffy
Bungalow living
Stich, I figured I needed a rag as I had nothing to scrub with
Gex the Gecko
Me naked in my bed, so kinky...
big smile

Ko Tao!

Finally got off Samui and have been, as you know, in Tao. Did my advanced open water diver course and the dives, now I just need to finsh off some paperwork tomorrow and all should be finished! Today, however, I started my day off by going out and buying a snorkeling kit then going straight to the beach to use it. The mask may have leaked a bit, and I may have been in low tide, but the coral and fish were awesome, its too bad I didnt have a NORMAL digital camera with me on the trip, instead I have a Flip camera which only does HD video which happen to be too big to upload on any site. No matter, I think I may jus record some video and mail it home for mom and dad and hunter to check out. When I was snorkeling, I swam really close to a shark, just a little one, and it seemed petty chilled that I was there, then it saw some fish food and was on its way and I went for a school of fish all in a big bubble. I swam right into them, holding my breath under water, and they formed a silvery/yellowish dome around and over me and it was really cool, then when I surfaced for air and went back down it was just a ring around me. So awesome, and then I swam through a ship wreck along the reef, it was like swimming through an orange, red ribcage with bright fish all around it. Also very cool...

Also, I have started writing a short book about a Z-Day in Dubai and that keeps me fairly entertained for easily up to an hour or so at one sitting.

I have been doing a few sketches, havn't been getting a cap-ton of ideas recently, I hope the design dry spell ends soon because I really want to get into ASU...

I forgot my cable for my camera phone today, so I'll upload pictures tonight or tomorrow. probably tomorrow.

Discovered that buying loafes of bread and ketchup and potato chips can provide a tasty combo for a sammich, and also quite cheap in the long run. they just dont fill me up or provide any variation... CANNOT wait till I go to Australia, I don't expect it to be a great deal different from how it is now in terms of weather, but I really want to get started with work so I have something more meaningful to fill my days with, because at th moment I'm stone-dead bored out of my brains. I don't even know how long I can keep doing the snorkeling. Maybe a day out fishing, but thats super expensive.

Peace out y'all

Friday, June 25, 2010


Cant get the photos online so fast and I'm paying for internet here, so thats really lame, but I'll email them to mommy or courtney if I can or send the disc in the mail when I can. Just need mom's address that I can mail it to in Dubai so dad can pick it up at work...
I've been on 4 dives so far, they have been great, I'm doing my advanced open water diver license so I'll be able to dive down to 40 meters just about. I did my navigation course today and had some awesome views of pufferfish, hermit crabs and parrot fish which are my favorites. also I got cleaned off by a remora which have the most interesting shape of any fish i think.. they look like my toothbrush, with a rippled pad on theyre "scalp".
HUNGRY NOW!!! so I'm off to 7/11 for soup or something <3

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


My room is dark and damp and there are 5 smelly english guys who make me worry about picking up an STD off the toilet seat :P

I was planning to go to Ko Tao today to start my diving tomorrow but I woke up late and missed the ferry, so hi ho hi ho tomorrow I shall go.

AND I woke up today and my toe was finally feeling better. This is after walking on in going up mountains and stuff yesterday and cutting my foor on glass and all kinds of crap. only my right foot though, the left is perfect and practically radiating rays of perfection...

(TO MOM: the flip is useless, i was uploading a video for over 2 hours and it didnt do anything so all videos from the flip will have to stay on the flip for the time being unless I can email them to you.)

Sunday, June 20, 2010


LADY BOYS!!! the one with me on the pole is a lady boy too courtney! dont worry xx

photos of stuff

Last night I went to thai boxing and watched two kids kick the crap out of each other. I got some pictures of the airport and the fights so everyone is happy :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bad water

thanks to god for imodium!
So last night I was a bit sceptic as to whether I should cut my thailand trip short because travelling for fun should be done with a partner and I don't have a solid partner at the moment, however I spent the majority of the night playing a little poker which turned out to pay for my stay at the hostel for a night! I also started talking to the people at the table (all hostel guests) and they were really cool, so now I'm going to be going to Koh Phanang with a couple of german guys for the full moon party.
Hope all is well in Dubai and everywhere else, somebody tell hunter I love him and tell him to stay active!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Koh Samui today :)

"issa bwokun!"

I jumped off the top bunk in my hostel yesterday night and it hurt like a motherbitch but i was like whatever... anyway it was still hurting today so I went to one of the foot bone people who do foot massages and he was like "oh issa bwokun!". Broken big toe hurts but the guy told me if I just kept a bit of weight off it it would be fine in a week. Moral of the story is that you should not jump from the top bunk onto a concrete floor without proper foot attire.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day 1

Bangkok is really different during the day, loads of cars and people with fried food stands and folex stands. Could'nt get to sleep yesterday, I dont know if it was the time difference or being really homesick. When it dawned on me that I was going to be away for 9 or 10 months I was going into shock and feeling a bit sick, thinking only of the worst. But I did finally start reading a book about Charlie Bronson's life in prison and watched a movie called pathfinder and that got me sleepy at about 2 in the morning. Going site seeing tomorrow and I'll get some video where ever I go.
Oh and the first breakfast of my trip was a ham and cheese sammy. And my eye is fine now.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

and the blood vessels in my left eye popped a bit and my eye looks a bit mutanty. just thought my mom should know x


I got off the massive plane and I could see the rain drops on the windows. When I got off the bus at Lumpini Park I was like "whuuuut" because there was no sign for the hostel anywhere. I followed the map that I had marked with the location of the place and it was totally wrong so I was zigzagging around Bangkok for a good 2 hours before finding a hotel concierge who looked up the place and wrote down directions. Already met a guy who's going to be in Koh Tao the same time as me so I'm feeling pretty sure that I won't have any trouble getting buddys.

I'm super hungreh now so I'm heading to the streets for dinner.

Monday, June 14, 2010

So it begins!

Just about to go to sleep with my beautiful girlfriend before the big trip tomorrow. Can't wait for it. Just hoping that I can figure out all my E-Ticket crap because I really have no clue what the hell to do with all the papers I have with me :P

Next update will be from Thailand, see y'all later dawgz...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tonight, two days before I'm supposed to be departing from Dubai; I can't sleep at all, I've been looking at hostels, reviewing my excel plan spreadsheets, trying to find a partner for when i go to thailand, applying for tons of jobs along the great barrier reef and watching stuff on youtube. I think the realization that I'm going away for 10 or so months has finally hit me and I'm all antsy like and can't lie still or anything.
I'm really looking forward to figuring out how to carry all my dough on me without looking like i'm wearing body armor or something but i'm sure i'll figure it out.
Aidan out, hugs and kisses to anyone special enough to be reading this :D