Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ko Tao!

Finally got off Samui and have been, as you know, in Tao. Did my advanced open water diver course and the dives, now I just need to finsh off some paperwork tomorrow and all should be finished! Today, however, I started my day off by going out and buying a snorkeling kit then going straight to the beach to use it. The mask may have leaked a bit, and I may have been in low tide, but the coral and fish were awesome, its too bad I didnt have a NORMAL digital camera with me on the trip, instead I have a Flip camera which only does HD video which happen to be too big to upload on any site. No matter, I think I may jus record some video and mail it home for mom and dad and hunter to check out. When I was snorkeling, I swam really close to a shark, just a little one, and it seemed petty chilled that I was there, then it saw some fish food and was on its way and I went for a school of fish all in a big bubble. I swam right into them, holding my breath under water, and they formed a silvery/yellowish dome around and over me and it was really cool, then when I surfaced for air and went back down it was just a ring around me. So awesome, and then I swam through a ship wreck along the reef, it was like swimming through an orange, red ribcage with bright fish all around it. Also very cool...

Also, I have started writing a short book about a Z-Day in Dubai and that keeps me fairly entertained for easily up to an hour or so at one sitting.

I have been doing a few sketches, havn't been getting a cap-ton of ideas recently, I hope the design dry spell ends soon because I really want to get into ASU...

I forgot my cable for my camera phone today, so I'll upload pictures tonight or tomorrow. probably tomorrow.

Discovered that buying loafes of bread and ketchup and potato chips can provide a tasty combo for a sammich, and also quite cheap in the long run. they just dont fill me up or provide any variation... CANNOT wait till I go to Australia, I don't expect it to be a great deal different from how it is now in terms of weather, but I really want to get started with work so I have something more meaningful to fill my days with, because at th moment I'm stone-dead bored out of my brains. I don't even know how long I can keep doing the snorkeling. Maybe a day out fishing, but thats super expensive.

Peace out y'all

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